A Week In Vancouver Island On A $92,000 Salary

Occupation: Senior business analyst
Industry: Tech
Age: 30
Location: Vancouver Island
Salary: $92,000
Assets: Our house is valued at $989,000 currently, we have a combined $150,000 in pension, and around $60,000 in various company stocks and GICs. My spouse M. and I have completely commingled finances; I will be tracking both as essentially I spend whatever he spends (M. makes $60,000, for a combined income of $152,000 before tax).
Debt: $3,000 on a zero-interest credit card for a 10-month period (we balanced transferred and pay $400/month); $480,000 in a mortgage. We refinanced in September 2023 for a five year fixed rate, however I don’t consider our mortgage debt due to the equity we are gaining, and that our mortgage for a five-bedroom, three-bath single family home is less than rent for a two-bedroom condo in Vancouver
Paycheck Amount: My salary is $2,555 after taxes. M. makes $2,308 after taxes. Our pay periods are alternating.
Pronouns: She/her

Housing Costs: Our mortgage is $1,450, paid biweekly (we pay $100 extra to the principal).
Weekly Loan Payments: $100 to a credit card.
All Other Expenses:
Utilities: Around $200 (includes water, paid quarterly; hydro, paid bimonthly; gas; sewer and trash, paid quarterly; phone, highly discounted due to work plans for M. and myself; and car gas).
Car Insurance: $84
Life Insurance: $167 combined ($67 for me; $100 for M.)
Health & Dental Insurance: $60 deducted from pay (coverage for myself and M. from my employer. M. also has coverage for both of us deducted from his pay).
Retirement Contribution: $400 (Employee matches me. M. has a defined pension through work and contributes ~$200 month.)
Union Fees: $70 (for M.)
Subscriptions: Crave $22 per month (recent splurge for watching The Rookie); Playstation Plus $100 (annual, bought as a Black Friday deal); Amazon Prime $80 (annual); BCAA $120 (annual); gym $30 per month (we both have one so $15 per person).

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