A Week In Toronto On A $78,200 Salary

Occupation: Senior implementation specialist
Industry: Healthcare tech
Age: 32
Location: Toronto
Salary:  $78,200 ($76,500 from my full-time salaried job, $1,700 this year from my side hustle as a stage manager in community theatre.)
Assets: $500 in my checking; $7,444 in my rainy day fund (I pay rent out of this and contribute $1,400 per month); $4,195 in my savings account for a trailer; $1,265 in my travel fund; $3,652 in my RRSP; $14,325 in my TFSA. Both my RRSP and TFSA have some in GICS, and the rest in Wealthsimple’s Socially Responsible Index. Car is also paid off but I won’t guess its value in this equation.
Debt: $0. I finally got my decade-long lingering credit card debt paid off in September and have been paying off my balance in full every paycheck since. I’m very proud of that.  
Paycheck Amount (2x/month): $2,156.22
Pronouns: She/her

Monthly Expenses
Monthly Housing Costs: $1,125 — my husband T. and I split a three-bedroom apartment, it’s a steal.
Monthly Loan Payments: $0
All Other Monthly Expenses:
Hydro: ~$70
Cell Phone: $6.50 ($50 is covered by work and this is just the remainder.)
Internet & Cable: $148
Hayu: $7.90
Spotify: $12.42
Pet Insurance: $71.98
Amex Fee: $12.99
Monthly Donation: $26.10 (This is to the camp I grew up at.)
Annual Fees: Local theatre membership, $13.27; Google storage, $40 Savings: $300 a month to my rainy day fund; $600 a month to my Wealthsimple TFSA; $300 a month to my Wealthsimple RRSP; around $300-$800 to either my trailer park fund or my vacation fund.

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