The Best Body Brushes for Targeting Dry and Rough, Bumpy Skin

For most of my life, I’ve managed to get by with a fairly minimalistic bodycare routine. While I spend ages layering toners, serums, and creams into my face morning and night, my bodycare routine has typically consisted of body wash, a weekly body scrub, and body lotion (when I can be bothered).

In 2024 however, I’ve noticed patches of rough skin creeping up on the backs of my arms. Known as keratosis pilaris, this rough, bumpy skin can appear everywhere from the arms to the thighs. It’s totally harmless, really common, and whether you have it or not is largely determined by genetics. As well as keeping skin well moisturised (I’ve committed to daily body lotion from head to toe), regular exfoliation is one of the best ways to buff this rough skin smooth and soft. However, after a few weeks of using my body scrub daily, I realised it wasn’t really making a difference, so I decided to experiment with body brushing. My (incredibly dry-skinned) husband body brushes daily and swears by the simple technique for removing patches of rough, dry skin, and convinced me to put it to the test.

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